Sunday, 25 September 2016

How to Achieve Fuller & Thick Eyebrows

 Grow Eye Lashes with Lashoutloudcanada.comIt was not the day of tomorrow when people were having a perception like women were striving for better eyebrow shapes. The problem at the time was, of course, cosmetics and makeup trend were evolved as of today so people were not aware of growing eyebrows to fuller shapes. Are you struggling with growing thick eyebrows? If so, do not worry. There is a variety of products in the market that can help you grow thick eyebrow in less than a month. Even better, try the DIY home remedies to achieve the same results. Eyebrows can give you an extra layer of beauty. As big eyes are considered a symbol of beauty, similarly thick eyebrows are also considered to be the beauty icon. People like a woman having thick eyebrows thus, overall personality does count obviously but eyebrows put an extra charm in women’s personality.

Remedy No 1 Castor Oil

Castor oil is being used for many years since now in order to help hair growth. To see the benefits yourself, just swab your eyebrows with this oil each night before going to bed. Honestly speaking coaster oil cannot regenerate dead hairs rather it is helpful to sustain hairs.
Remedy No 2 Eat Better

If you seriously want to supercharge your eyebrows then take a look at your diet and include food supplements that are actually helpful in growing hairs. Some of the known supplements are zinc, selenium, and biotin that you can take with your diet. This is because supplements like biotin have the ability of building blocks which your body required in manufacturing new hairs.

Remedy No 3 Exfoliate
Exfoliate is overall a fantastic way to help your skin tone. However, a known fact is that exfoliate your eyebrow areas can also help in faster eyebrow growth. In order to get the best results use a quality comb or dry sponge and exfoliate the areas where you want to see thicker eyebrow growth.

If you are interested in starting with your own idea of growing hairs, it is fairly enough but there is one thing you need to follow, hair growth takes time, in this case, you need to be patient, work with patience and wait for the results. Do not try to apply plucking or waxing process with your stray hairs. This could be dangerous and lead you to wait way longer which you would never want to be.